The Spirit of Marathon Exhibit

The Spirit of Marathon Exhibit

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The wonderful and professionally constructed  exhibit titled The Spirit of Marathon that the Marathon Exchange Group has been able to get to Houston is now on display at the HBU Campus in the BRADSHAW FITNESS CENTER, 7721 SW FRWY.

It is open to the members of the Fitness Center, HBU students and others and will be on display thru March 9th.


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The display is Hellenism personified. The exhibit was  a focal point of interest during the Chevron Houston Marathon EXPO in January and then moved to the ANNUNCIATION ORTHODOX SCHOOL (AOS) for three weeks and then transferred to HBU and will return to BOSTON for their EXPO prior to the running of the Boston Marathon.


The Marathon Exchange Group is proud and pleased to have been able to bring this exhibit to Houston made possible thru the generosity of The National Hellenic Museum of Chicago and the National Hellenic Society (NHS).