Greek Tango for ...Business

“The Hellenic Cultural Center of the Southwest” in association with the “Cretans of Houston”


“Greek Tango”

Did you know tha


t Musicians as well as musicologists claim that Greece is the country with the most tango compositions, which number approximately two thousand?

This little known secret is stated in a study by Dr. Aggeliki Koufou.;">
In an effort to promote Hellenic Culture at all levels in the Southwest region of the US, the Cretan Association, HCC, and HPST, are presenting this unique musical event. Not since the 1930’s has such a musical event been offered to the public.


On the 26th of September, at 4:00 PM, at the Wortham Center of Houston in the Cullen Theater, we present to Houston’s music lovers “Greek Tango”. Hrysoula Stefanaki, performs several Tangos, Waltzes, Swings & Foxtrots masterpieces under the direction of arranger & pianist David Nahmias with select musicians from  Houston's Sinfonietta.

The proceedings from this event will go towards HCC's Building Fund to establish a Greek Museum and Cultural Center.

1,100 people, characterized mainly as a Channel 8 audience, will be there to applaud this exciting music and dance.

Your support will help Houston gain a Greek Cultural Center and Museum for future generations, while you expanding your business opportunities to the very best crowd in town.Stefanaki-on-stage

Each guest will receive an elegant printed booklet with all lyrics in authentic Greek and English translations, along with the full study from Dr. Aggeliki Koufou. This material can’t be found anywhere else.

In order to help, you can purchase one of the following 3 packages:

  • Our Gold package includes: 1 quarter page of advertising space and 10 tickets from zone B worth $990.00
  • Our Platinum package includes: 1 half page of advertising space and 10 tickets from zone B worth $1,290.00
  • Our Diamond package includes: 1 full page of advertising space and 10 tickets from zone A worth $1,990.00. The Diamond package also includes a set of two tickets to a formal dinner after the event with the artists at an exquisite restaurant.

You can use the tickets as incentives to your employees, or gifts to your select clientele.

You will receive as well a receipt from HCC for this fully tax exempt expense.

All sponsors will receive an honor placement with link in HCC’s Web site for one year.

In order to purchase your package,  click on the Greek Tango Packages.

Please send us your logo and your advertisement electronically in a PNG, or GIF, or JPG format at: